New Year, New Outlook

Happy New Year, Friends!

This isn’t about resolutions, promises to self or any other “commitment” to improve.  It’s about creating impact!  In 2019, I want to make a tangible difference – one that’s completely measurable, impactful and meets sustainable outcomes.  My goal is to incorporate the C.H.I.P.S. Principle in many aspects of my life.  It’s both personal and organizational.


For my own goals, I need the wisdom of others.  This means taking the time to listen twice as much as I speak.  We’ve been given two ears and one mouth for a reason.


For the organizations I work with, I need to help create the impact that must be fulfilled in order to create sustainability!  This means strategic planning.  After all, we were given resources and talents to make things happen.


1. Identify opportunities:  When you see a need, try to identify a sustainable solution.  Remember, charity addresses an immediate need, but philanthropy addresses the cause of that need.  Proceed to find like-minded people to build the solution with you.

2. Join a group – online or in person:  Support groups, social media, forums – or wherever you can find the passion of your choosing. Just join and contribute. You can provide your expertise, volunteer your time or just your empathy.  People need someone to connect with and the light at the end of the tunnel just might be YOU.

3. Hone your leadership skills:  Take a class if you can.  People follow leaders who are devoted, dedicated and ambitious to solve a societal challenge.  Many people are not innate leaders – but they carry huge potential. If you’re not sure, take a free online class or attend a conference.

4.  Don’t Ignore Your Own Health: If you’re not paying attention to your own needs, you will become ineffective in dealing with the needs of others.

5. Share your talents by volunteering regularly.

6. Remember to make fun time to recharge yourself! Read a book, watch a movie, unwind at a family dinner or call your best friend.

7. If you’re blessed with financial gain, donate to your charity of choice – after you donate you can ask others to do the same.

I hope you’ll join me in creating impact for sustainable results in 2019.  Many blessings to you in the New Year!





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