My “New” Piano

I have been an accomplished pianist and piano teacher for many years. I started taking piano lessons at the age of 4, and it fit me like a glove. In fact, you should check out my music site!

Music is not just part of my life – it nearly defines my life.  When I moved to Arizona 5 years ago, I simply couldn’t bring my acoustic grand piano with me.  So, the whole time I’ve lived here, my instrument has been an amazing Roland Digital piano with weighted keys, internet connectivity, and a fantastically rich sound. BUT – it never took the place of an acoustic piano.

Now I have one! And better yet, it was a free gift from someone who also could not take it with them. I can hardly wait for the piano tuner’s visit this week. Right now I can’t bear to play it, since my perfect pitch ears are highly offended by its “off-ness”. It’s not a Steinway, or a baby grand, but it’s mine. Funny how you don’t know what you’re missing until its gone, right?