Keto Diet Versus Paleo Diet

Let’s get ready to rumble. In the red corner weighing in at less than 50 grams of carbs per day is the ketogenic diet. It’s the undisputed champion fad diet taking over every health food section at grocery stores. In the blue corner weighing in at…. wait, we’re not sure… is the paleolithic diet. It’s … Read More

Five Ways to Reduce Chaos at Home

As a wife and mother, all I want is a peaceful home and a happy family. Some days, I feel “on top of it”. Those days are usually the ones when my three and five year old actually take a nap! Other days, it feels like there are forces pushing against my family’s well-being. Screen … Read More

New Year, New Outlook

Happy New Year, Friends! This isn’t about resolutions, promises to self or any other “commitment” to improve.  It’s about creating impact!  In 2019, I want to make a tangible difference – one that’s completely measurable, impactful and meets sustainable outcomes.  My goal is to incorporate the C.H.I.P.S. Principle in many aspects of my life.  It’s … Read More

The Cookie Monster

Then, like a ravenous bear awakening from hibernation, it emerges – that irresistible urge to scoff down a million sweet treats at Christmas.


There are some AWESOME technology grant opportunities available. But, I wonder if anyone else is unnerved by the future of robotics.  I remember sitting in front of a beautiful console T.V. – hurray if you remember the old consoles! –  watching reruns of Star Trek and The Jetsons. “Meet George Jetson, Jane his wife.” My … Read More

Attitude Check

In case you were wondering….you’re not the only one who occasionally has a really bad day. Not that I had a bad day – in fact today was wonderful in many ways. But I felt the need to tell you that you’re not alone. I am in awe of people who plow through a bad … Read More

Time Out

Stop and Take a Breath Breathing is something we take for granted. It just happens as it should. But studies show that you should consciously take several intentionally deep breaths a day to aid digestion, promote relaxation and improve your sleep. Learning to Breathe I learned to breathe properly because I’m an accomplished singer/songwriter and … Read More

A Picture’s Worth

A happy girl, enjoying nature and celebrating life with balloons – that’s how I feel right now! I have so many things to be grateful for. I was searching for a marketing photo for a promotion I’m involved in. But I came across this one, and felt compelled to share. Children are so adaptable and … Read More

Control What You Can

When it comes to personal relationships, the biggest challenges in my life have always come when I step out of my realm of control.  There are only two things we humans can control: our own attitudes and our own actions.  It’s a hard concept to accept, but once we embrace it, life becomes more enjoyable. … Read More