Four Strategies to Improve Collaboration

Group projects were the bane of my existence in college. My freshman year, I took a sociology class, and the professor thought it was a good idea to assign a group project instead of a final exam. I would take a final exam over a group project any day! I played the role of the … Read More

A Grant Award for Bethel Hamliri!

  Established in 2015, Bethel Hamliri, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) whose mission is to improve the quality of  health and life for Africans and the African-American community residing in the Bronx area of New York.  They accomplish this in several ways: A successful Food Box Program Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching Diabetes and Blood Pressure management … Read More

Keto Diet Versus Paleo Diet

Let’s get ready to rumble. In the red corner weighing in at less than 50 grams of carbs per day is the ketogenic diet. It’s the undisputed champion fad diet taking over every health food section at grocery stores. In the blue corner weighing in at…. wait, we’re not sure… is the paleolithic diet. It’s … Read More

Five Ways to Reduce Chaos at Home

As a wife and mother, all I want is a peaceful home and a happy family. Some days, I feel “on top of it”. Those days are usually the ones when my three and five year old actually take a nap! Other days, it feels like there are forces pushing against my family’s well-being. Screen … Read More

The New Rules of Philanthropy

When I hear the word philanthropy, I think of a black tie affair teeming with wealthy white-haired couples. The charity ball scene from Dumb and Dumber comes to mind. Lloyd and Harry step down from a horse drawn carriage at the entrance of  “The Aspen Preservation Society’s Snow Owl Benefit” dressed in neon orange and … Read More

You Don’t Know Everything: The Importance of Professional Development

    The dreaded alarm starts buzzing; it’s Monday. The beginning of a new week should feel energizing, but, in reality, the prospect of working five consecutive days can be exhausting… mundane… uninspiring. How can you stay interested and interesting? As a former teacher, I always looked forward to professional development days. They provided a … Read More

Arizona’s March Madness

  And no, I’m not talking about college basketball. I’m referring to the incredible opportunities that present themselves throughout our state’s Sonoran Desert communities during the glorious month of March. With clear skies and an average high temperature of 76 degrees, March is one of the busiest months for outdoor events and activities. And there … Read More

Community Involvement for Small Businesses

Getting involved in the community where you work has multiple benefits, whether you’re a non-profit, for-profit, private or public business, and it’s is easier than you think! The simple act of getting involved often fosters new relationships, which can directly lead to new business and shine a positive light on your company. Giving back to … Read More

The One Thing That Matters

The One Thing That Matters is IMPACT…Join Us for C.H.I.P.S. Principle® Conference, March 7th and 8th, 2019. for details.

Grants and the Government Shutdown

Curious about how the shutdown is affecting grants?  Unfortunately, the shutdown is affecting a variety of people and services, from federal employees to the rest of us.  Let’s take a look at the funding world. Federal Grants: I can only speak from my experiences.  I write and manage several federal grants for Fire Districts in … Read More

New Year, New Outlook

Happy New Year, Friends! This isn’t about resolutions, promises to self or any other “commitment” to improve.  It’s about creating impact!  In 2019, I want to make a tangible difference – one that’s completely measurable, impactful and meets sustainable outcomes.  My goal is to incorporate the C.H.I.P.S. Principle in many aspects of my life.  It’s … Read More