Yes! It’s Free….

We’re so excited about our E-Book, “Fund Your Philanthropy” that we want to flat out give it to you. That’s right!

“Well,” you say, “nothing is free.”

Right, again! We’re on a roll here. Without further ado, here’s your part of the deal: sign up for our monthly newsletter, read the book and give us a review with permission to publish a sentence or two on this site. Easy, right?

Now what do we mean by “monthly”? Exactly what it says. The monthly newsletter is once each calendar month. And it’s not just any scoop – it’s sharing grant opportunities with you, training, upcoming seminar/workshop opportunities and answering questions we receive. We’ll also highlight your comments, if they’re well written.

  1. We HATE spam and will not subject you to a barrage of emails like many companies out there. We’re not going to bombard you with sales scripts or flash sales, nor will we share your information with anyone – EVER.
  2. We value our own privacy and have no intention of ruining yours.

That being said, all we ask is that you interact a bit: read the newsletter, start a conversation, ask questions, provide suggestions and write that book review! Talk about an easy and enjoyable reading experience….you’ll love it. Help us get the message out and sign up today by scrolling to the bottom right of this page (pssstt…it’s on the bottom right of every page!)

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Subscribe Now!

2 thoughts on “Yes! It’s Free….”

    • Hi, Monti,
      Thanks for your comment! I hope to get better acquainted with you. Did you sign up for the newsletter to get the e-Book?
      If not, scroll to the bottom of any page on the site, and you’ll see a subscribe form.
      I hope you do – and let me know how you like it.

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