Five Ways to Reduce Chaos at Home

As a wife and mother, all I want is a peaceful home and a happy family. Some days, I feel “on top of it”. Those days are usually the ones when my three and five year old actually take a nap! Other days, it feels like there are forces pushing against my family’s well-being. Screen … Read More

The New Rules of Philanthropy

When I hear the word philanthropy, I think of a black tie affair teeming with wealthy white-haired couples. The charity ball scene from Dumb and Dumber comes to mind. Lloyd and Harry step down from a horse drawn carriage at the entrance of  “The Aspen Preservation Society’s Snow Owl Benefit” dressed in neon orange and … Read More

You Don’t Know Everything: The Importance of Professional Development

    The dreaded alarm starts buzzing; it’s Monday. The beginning of a new week should feel energizing, but, in reality, the prospect of working five consecutive days can be exhausting… mundane… uninspiring. How can you stay interested and interesting? As a former teacher, I always looked forward to professional development days. They provided a … Read More