The One Thing That Matters

The One Thing That Matters is IMPACT…Join Us for C.H.I.P.S. Principle® Conference, March 7th and 8th, 2019. for details.

Grants and the Government Shutdown

Curious about how the shutdown is affecting grants?  Unfortunately, the shutdown is affecting a variety of people and services, from federal employees to the rest of us.  Let’s take a look at the funding world. Federal Grants: I can only speak from my experiences.  I write and manage several federal grants for Fire Districts in … Read More

New Year, New Outlook

Happy New Year, Friends! This isn’t about resolutions, promises to self or any other “commitment” to improve.  It’s about creating impact!  In 2019, I want to make a tangible difference – one that’s completely measurable, impactful and meets sustainable outcomes.  My goal is to incorporate the C.H.I.P.S. Principle in many aspects of my life.  It’s … Read More