A Picture’s Worth

A happy girl, enjoying nature and celebrating life with balloons – that’s how I feel right now! I have so many things to be grateful for. I was searching for a marketing photo for a promotion I’m involved in. But I came across this one, and felt compelled to share. Children are so adaptable and … Read More

My “New” Piano

I have been an accomplished pianist and piano teacher for many years. I started taking piano lessons at the age of 4, and it fit me like a glove. In fact, you should check out my music site! Music is not just part of my life – it nearly defines my life.  When I moved … Read More

Guess What Happened Today?

I am so excited, I can’t even deal…For the first time EVER, two of my grant proposals were funded on the same day!  One of the things we Proposal Writers are use to is waiting – waiting for documents, waiting for approval, waiting for a grant application to open, waiting for a response to our … Read More

Control What You Can

When it comes to personal relationships, the biggest challenges in my life have always come when I step out of my realm of control.  There are only two things we humans can control: our own attitudes and our own actions.  It’s a hard concept to accept, but once we embrace it, life becomes more enjoyable. … Read More